Plywood Forest.
The GCPD are hard at work wandering aimlessly through the plastic foliage. Paul calls douchey Ronan out on the fact that he basically pulled off an awesome heist of his own brother's liver, and Ronan's like, "Fuck you."
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GCPD Station.
Victor still hasn't been released and is prepping for a tantrum while Mike tries to calm his ancient ass down. Mike thinks it best if Victor doesn't put his short temper on display to the police while he's a prime suspect in Diane's murder, and Victor pretty much GODDAMMITS!!! all over the place.
Adam's Suite.
It sounds like a bull is trying to break down Adam's door so of course he la-dee-da's over to it and swings it wide open. Now it's Jack's turn to enter shoving - a move first perfected by Yee haw! Sam - and accusing Adam of killing Diane.
Victoria (and Billy's?) House.
Billy lets himself in, so either he suddenly lives here again or he's here to steal Victoria's never-been-used hairbrush to sell for gambling money. He discovers the FRAGILE box containing that shitty painting of himself and Victoria, but is spared the pain of actually looking at it when shady gay lawyer Rafe calls. Maybe he's got the name of a better black market human trafficker for Billy to use? Nah, just a warning that Chloe lied to the judge about him stalking his daughter and now he's not allowed to see her ever again, not even through a telescope or from a blimp. Victoria enters, surprised to see Billy. Specifically, surprised to see Billy standing fully upright and sober. Us too, Victoria.
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"I remember this box! It's where Victoria keeps her sense of reality!" |
Plywood Forest.
The kops have almost got the evidence markers lined up in numerical order, which is how they think it's supposed to work. Paul tells Ronan he's a dick, which Ronan totally knew already. They discover some random marks in the mud, which they think indicate someone was just dragging Diane's body back and forth pointlessly. They've also found a letter signed by Diane, and a cell phone. Using his Magic 8-Ball, Ronan decides it all points to Adam.
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If you line 'em up just right the evidence magically appears! |
Adam's Suite.
Jack huffs and puffs at Adam, accusing him of killing Diane over the SEC kerfuffle. Adam points out that Jack sucks as a dad and actually lost his entire son, and how murderously pissed he must be with Diane. Great, you're both suspects.
GCPD Station.
Victor's still not released. Wasted scene.
Victoria's House.
She and Billy miss each other. Moving on.
Adam's Suite.
Jack's a shitty father, Adam's an evil creep. Jack marches out - right into the police, who drag them both downtown for questioning about Diane. See, Jack, you are a shitty dad. And Adam? Actually an evil creep. And the kops know it. Have fun lawyering up!
Victoria's House.
She and Billy fuck. Moving on.
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It helps to take the clothes off the mannequin before you try to fuck it. |
GCPD Station.
Paul returns with his stupid metal briefcase. Adam and Jack are perp-walked in while Mike and a delighted Victor watch. Not so smug, Victor - Ronan wants to question your septuagenarian ass, too. Ha ha!
GCPD Station (later).
Now it's just Ronan and Paul. Ronan tapes pictures of Diane, Adam, Victor and Jack to a white board. He and Paul stare blankly at it for ten minutes. A four-foot-tall extra from Planet of the Apes clip-clops in and hands Ronan the autopsy report. After careful analysis, the lab has determined that Diane died from having her fucking head caved in with a bloody rock. They figured this out from looking at the back of her head, which was fucking caved in with a bloody rock. SCIENCE!
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Dr. Zaius' great-great-great grandmother. |
GCPD Station Interrogation Room.
This is one of those montage deals where they cut back and forth between Ronan and each suspect. Adam claims he knew nothing of Diane's whereabouts on the night of the murder, but his flashbacks show him and Diane staging the crime scene to frame Victor. Of note is the fact that Diane - to preserve her expensive ugly dress - makes Adam drag her about sans gloves. Hmmm. Jack tells the same lie about not seeing Diane the night of the murder, but his flashback shows him blundering into Diane in the park and confronting her about Kyle. Victor lies about not seeing Diane as well, but his flashback shows him in the park with her and her ratting out Adam's plans to frame him for her murder. Double-cross!
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Double-crossed by Diane. |
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"...and your withered old scrotum tasted like dumpster drippings!" |
Victoria's House.
She and Billy cuddle on the too-tiny couch. Blah blah blah. Victoria leaves the room and Billy looks at the FRAGILE painting. It induces immediate seizures, which means he got off easier than I did. He flees its ugliness.
GCPD Station.
Jack's finally found where Kyle is - but can't leave town because of stupid Diane and her stupid brains being spilled out of her stupid head. She can be so selfish!
GAC Dining Area.
Adam, alone at a table. Victor joins him. Victor shows Adam the watch he tried to frame Victor with.
GCPD Station.
Ronan decides Jack can go get Kyle. Jack scurries out. Paul and Ronan stare dumbly at the board again. Some chick arrives with a list of all the nine people Diane texted the night of the murder. Mike arrives to break down into tears like a girl or something.
GAC Dining Area.
Adam and Victor trade threats. They're basically explaining how they plan to frame each other for Diane's murder.
Victoria's House.
Victoria comes back into the room and finds Billy's left.
Airplane Seat.
Billy, running away as usual. Bye Billy!
I love your recaps! Y&R seems much more interesting than it actually is. However, don't rob me of my Villy scenes please lol!